Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Brain Imaging

Brain imaging Technologies

In recent years, brain imaging has become quite advanced from the previous technologies of the 1900s. These new technologies have helped science advance in cures and knowledge about the human brain. Two examples of this new technology is the fMRI; functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging, and PET; Positron Emission Tomography.
            The fMRI detects blood flow to particular parts of the brain and can provide a functional view of the human brain. This type of brain imaging is particularly useful to detect the effects of head trauma tumors, and diseases like Alzheimer’s. When patients are acting erotically or abnormally the fMRI can be used to see exactly what part of the brain is being used, or not being used, in real time. In a recent study, researches had experienced meditators and novice meditators focus on a red dot. During this time they were inside an fMRI to measure where and how much brain activity there was going on. Because they used this equipment was used instead of another type of imaging, the scientists could easily determine that long periods of time training meditation can affect the brain.  Although this machine is considerably useful, there are also some limitations to this technology.  The most common problem is claustrophobia. Because the machine is rather constricting, the patient is placed inside in tight conditions with can often lead to panicking while inside the machine. Another problem is the static field used to detect the blood flow can cause pacemakers and other devices the malfunction.
            The PET scanning technology works a little differently. The patient that is getting a PET scan is first injected with a quite painful dose of radioactive material. The most common materials are oxygen, fluorine, carbon, and nitrogen. Directly after the injection, different parts of the brain are activated and the contaminated blood goes to that section of the brain. As the radio active material breaks down, it releases a neutron and a positron. Because the positron is released, it hits a nearby electron and both are destroyed which gives off two gamma rays. Gamma Ray Detectors are used to find the exact place where this happens and gives the scientists an idea where the brain is functioning. This type of scanning has been recently used to detect the response to all types cancer therapy. It can show tumors and other abnormalities in the body. A recent case study used PET Scans to determine which side of the brain and where activity was during the use of sign language and motor movements. Because the scientist used this type of technology, it was easy to verify that the subjects’ right hemisphere was more active where he produced speech or sign language.
            Even though this is very useful type of brain imaging, there are limitations. A major one is that the patient is being injected by radioactive material, which is dangerous if the dose is too high. This type of imaging isn’t good for just taking a “picture” of the brain. This is specific for brain function.
            Brain imaging has come a long way since the 1900s ways of curing brain abnormalities and treatments for diseases like Alzheimer’s and cancers are being discovered through these technologies.

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