Tuesday, December 3, 2013


Question: Identify and describe 3 techniques that may enhance memory.

- Connections to Pictures or Scenes: When trying to remember a piece of information its hard to remember if its just random and has no meaning to you. So if you connect it too a ridiculous picture its easier. Like from the World Memory Championships, some contestants, while trying to memorize pie, will connect numbers like 8 to a snowman because it looks like a snowman. Some may connect sets of numbers to pictures also. 

- Songs: Songs have been shown to have very successful stories of memorizing things like formulas. The song for the Quadratic Formula, "negative b, plus or minus square root, b squared minus for a c, all over 2 a" is fun to sing and easy to remember. If you tried to remember with out a helpful tool like this song, it would very difficult. Similarly, the reason we can remember all the letters of the alphabet is because it goes to a cheerful songs thats easy to remember. 

- Acronyms: Acronyms have been used for a long time to abbreviate long titles and names. Espeically if you have a select amount of words, you can take the first letter of the ones you need to memorized and organize it into a single word. YMCA is a common acronym used but do most people even know what it stands for? Young Men's Christian Association. Recent use of acronyms include LOL "laughing out loud" and SMS "Short messaging System", quick and easy to remember is the key.

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