Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Aggression in TV Shows and Their Relation to Violence in Young Adults

Childhood Exposure to Media Violence Predicts Young Adult Aggressive Behavior

·who conducted the study

Psychologists L Rowell Huesmann and Jessica Moise-Titus, Cheryl Lynn Podolski, Leonard D. Eron
·the aim
To show if Children's viewing of violent TV shows, their identification with aggressive same-sex TV characters, and their perceptions that TV violence is realistic are all linked to later aggression as young adults, for both males and females.
·the participants
557 people (when first started when aged 6-10 but the second part they were in their 20’s
·the results
The people who had watched High violent shows and connected with the characters showed more instances of overall aggression (committing crimes, being physical with spouses)
·      The conclusion

Children watching High Violence TV shows where more likely to become aggressive in their adult years than those of non-violent watching viewers.

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