Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Punishment VS Reinforcement and Observational Learning

Negative Punishment 
  • A teenage girl stays out for an hour past her curfew, so her parents ground her for a week.
  • After getting in a fight with his sister over who gets to play with a new toy, the mother simply takes the toy away.
Positive Punishment 
  • Because you're late to work one morning, you drive over the speed limit through a school zone. As a result, you get pulled over by a police officer and receive a ticket.
  • Your cell phone rings in the middle of class, and you are yelled at by your teacher for not turning your phone off before to class.
Negative Reinforcement 
  • Before heading out for a day at the beach, you slather on sunscreen in order to avoid getting sunburned.
  • On Monday morning, you leave the house early in order to avoid getting stuck in traffic and being late for class.
Positive Reinforcement 
  • After you get a correct answer in class, your teacher says, "Great job!"
  • At work, you exceed this month's sales quota so your boss gives you a bonus. 
Observational Learning 

  • An inexperienced salesperson is successful at a sales meeting after observing the behaviors and statements of other salespeople.
  • A kid watches a basketball game, then shoots hoops without being taught how to do so.
  • A new employee avoids being late to work after seeing someone else fired for being late.

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