Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Why Punishment Doesn't Work.

  Punishment is a form of imposition that people have used for thousands of years and the question has surfaced: Is it even helpful? The answer is no. When parents punishes their children, the parents seem to think it works because right in that moment the child DOES stop, but its not a lasting affect. They may have learned not to do it around THEM but do it the rest of the time. 
   Reasons for punishment are many but one of the main reasons is that the child resents and hates the punishers. The relationship between them gets destroyed and eventually all you know them as is the person who punishes you and the one to avoid. No one actually wants this. They just wanted to stop the undesirable behavior but ends up stopping the respect. 
   Not only do people not respond to it, but they end up repeating these behaviors. Similarly to the Bobo Doll Experiment ( Bandura 1961), when a model demonstrates the behavior then the child learnt o do it too. They will usually end up becoming abusive people and beat their children and spouses similar to the punishment they were given. 
   Being exposed to punishment over a long time also doesn't work because the punishee becomes acclimated to it. Eventually there is so much resentment and pattern, that eventually they stop responding to it. 
Punishment almost never works in the long run because of these reasons and many others. Even though it many seem like the perfect temporary fix, its not useful for the future and the persons overall life. 

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